Product Wire To Board Connectors Wire to Board Connectors 3.00mm Pitch Micro Fit 300 LW-MF300R-XX-P 3.0mm Pitch Single Row Wafer ,DIP 90° With Peg Specifications 2 ~ 12 circuits available Material: LCP UL 94-V0 .025"(0.625mm) square pins Tin-plated brass pin Mates with LH-MF300M-xx housing Standard color: Black Current rating(Wire size/Ampere): #20/5A #22/5A #24/4A #26/3A #28/2A #30/1A Voltage rating: 250V Contact resistance: 10mΩMax. Dielectric strength: 1500V AC/minute Temperature rise: 30°C max. (carry rated current load) PDF 請寫下你對於產品的建議然後點擊 加入詢價清單 以詢價 加入詢價清單 查看詢價清單 返回